祢是我的力量 ...

Sunday, June 18, 2017
1:19 PM

1145am svc 18 June 17

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
1) God was manifested in the flesh, (identification)
      -  Jesus is God. He manifests the Father
Central doctrine - incarnation
Christ is God therefore His death n crucifixion is sufficient
Significance of incarnation
Philip 2:6 NASB emptied Himself

We are called to be followers
Constant practice and exercise

Recommend book 'God came here' - max luc

2) Justified in the Spirit, (justification)
      - Transformation
     Different when applied to the Lord and to us
     Vindicated - His claim was came true (He rose)

Requirement for us to be justified is to believe what Jesus has done for us. Declared us as righteous. 
Instantaneous and progressively
When we believe, we are instantly saved
But we are still in progressive justification  

3) Seen by angels, (tested)
4) Preached among the Gentiles,  (assignment )
5) Believed on in the world, (fruitfulness) in my life
6) Received up in glory. (Completion)

I Timothy 3:16 

Eusebeia - a sacred awe and reverence

2 Peter 1- steps to agape

1) Godliness Is visible and practical
- Conduct of our lives 
2 Peter 3:11 actions

2) Has to be exercised and practiced 
1 Tim 4:7-8
Profitable for all things
Eternal quality


