祢是我的力量 ...

Monday, June 19, 2017
1:00 PM

Dream 18 June 17

A lady name Jamie was ill.
Jamie told me she wanted to join us when we fellowship.
The guy who put his face to touch my face as a form of greeting. I told him Jamie wanted to join us. This same guy told me Jamie had not been joining us cos she was ill. Jamie was ill not carol.

I took a taxi at a market place (looked like Haig road market). I did not tell the driver where to go. He drove a route from one point of the market place, made a detour and back to another point of the same market place in just a short time, from this point to the other point at same place i could just walk there. I did not need to take a taxi!! When he reached the point, he requested me to pay him 500 dollars (in foreign currency either Thai or ringgit). When I divided in exchange rate 3, it still costs more than 100 in SGD to get from point to point ended up at same place. I refused to pay him and I reasoned with him that it wasn't fair that he charged me so expensive as I ended up still at the same place. But the driver was quiet. I was thinking he should had sent me back to the hotel or I should have told him where to go and then the price would be worth to pay for. Yet in my spirit I felt the cost actually included an earlier journey that took me from somewhere else further to the current market place. 

Car - means vocation or something that occupies you or what you do a lot of

At same place. But seemed paid a higher cost yet in actual only 1/3 of it. 

God has been leading me step by step to where I am now. Even long before I first came to Cornerstone. The cost is worth paid for but in actual fact the blessings are far outweigh the costs. It wasn't a cost at all ultimately but its God's grace, blessings and His good good intention for me as a good good Father. I can rest assured that He is guiding me step by step, trust Him! Even if I ended up at the same place, He has plan for me. Trust Him. Hear Him and follow His guidance. The 'driver' is a messenger of God. Let God leads me. Not to where I want to go but to where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Total abandonment of self and follow Him recklessly. 


