祢是我的力量 ...

Sunday, June 11, 2017
9:46 AM

Dream 9 June 17

Pei pei recruited a lady as temporary or part time basis to help in finance. 
I felt very release and I felt in my spirit I was to hand over my works for the next 1 month. 

I told this lady who was also a seeker that she had to arrange for 2 family outings for her household for bonding. Deliberately arranged but be naturally bonded as a family.

Somehow I felt pei pei position was empty, someone professional had to take over her position.

I went to see doctor but my flu was already 4 days and I was healing. I briefly told the doctor and she gave me tablets in a paper folding. 

I saw a hot cooking pot boiling very strongly in the main audi of Cornerstone. 
A child flip open the cover of the pot, the cooking pot dropped out of the thermosat and I saw inside the pot was boiling ferociously. It was still boiling even though it was dropped out of the thermostat and boiling very fiercely. I could see so clearly the boiling bubbling inside the pot.

Judgement of God => revival

Jeremiah 1
Ezerkiel 11
Ezerkiel 24


