祢是我的力量 ...

Monday, August 21, 2017
6:50 AM

Dream 21 August 17

I was sitting in a mini car with a family. The driver was a very tall guy. We went into a car park. The parking fees had been paid for by the organisation. It was night so these cars owners would start to park their cars at these paid season parking lots. While driving in, we passed by another mini car parking along the entering way at right side into the car park. It wasnt right to park the car along the entering way. 
After passing by that mini car, just a little distance further up the tall guy stopped by along the left side. We all came out of his car. I asked him whether I could drive his mini car and parked the car. He replied me 'no' and then he carried his mini car with his arm and walked away and put it at a proper parking lot.

Then we were walking to a destination with a group of people.
The tall guy seemed to be one of leaders and he asked me whether we should put on 'mandate'.
I seemed to know what was 'mandate' in the dream but we weren't wearing them. He said we were suppose to wear the mandate.
He was so tall that I couldn't see him eye to eye while we were talking. And even I had to hear him attentively as he was too tall and I didn't turned my head up to look at him. However I could hear what he was saying.


