祢是我的力量 ...

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
11:52 PM

Journal 26 Sep 17

26 Sep 17
This morning I woke up with awareness that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me the whole morning while I was still sleeping about what papa Martin has taught us - trading with God or trading with the devil.

25 Sep I was in pain for whole day. The tension headache has not been happening for a substantial period of time but it happened again due to menstruation. I prayed for myself and I asked Selyn to pray for me. I insisted not to take any medicine though my old usual habit was to take 2 panadols to ease the pain fast and then took a nap. I felt impressed to take a hot bath 2nd time before I went to bed and I felt the level of pain went down after bath. The Holy Spirit said He was teaching me what it means to not to trade with the devil. Not to take the easier way - by taking medicine but to press in for healing from God the Father, trusting that He is the Healer and to depend on Him.
26 Sep I woke up with the word - yes this is what it mean not to trade with devil.  My headache was gone.

I was also reading Galatians 5 and asking the Spirit to show me what it really mean to live walk and lead by Him. He said let Him occupied me and listen only to Him, regardless how I am feeling on my body and my emotions. 


