祢是我的力量 ...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
12:03 AM

8 August 17 dream

1st part 
I was with Martin.
I met 2 ladies whom I knew.
One of ladies invited Martin to a children meeting at Ikea
The other lady appeared and she seemed to know me well. She opened a fridge and was taking out stuff from the fridge. Martin spoke to her and she mentioned a church name that Martin knew. 

Then we met the 3rd lady. She wasn't very good and Martin spoke to her.

2nd part 
I was on a wheelchair but I wasn't disabled. 
I travel very fast on the wheelchair on a path. I was testing out whether I can travel fast on wheelchair and I did it. I came to a path like a short bridge and I wanted to pass through this bridge to access to a ATM machine. But the people at the bridge saw me and they wanted to help me. I turned around and go opposite direction from the bridge because I didn't want the people to help me as I wasn't really handicap. I was just testing to travel fast on wheelchair. I was travelling really fast speed on it. 

3rd part 

I was looking out of window of a room I staying and I saw the beach. Many things I saw at the beach happening. 

4th part
I was in one of the storey of a building with my family. Construction was going on and it seemed like we were at building similarly old like Odeon Katong or katong shopping centre. Suddenly the building began to shake and my first reaction was let's run n get out of the building. As I open the door to the staircases the place was already full with people escaping out from the staircases. We joined the crowd to escape. Then I realised I had left my dog in the house.  But somehow I knew my husband could have already taken the dog with him.


