祢是我的力量 ...

Saturday, June 1, 2024
12:47 AM


木头可以说话吗?它能听到你说话吗?它能看到你手所做的一切吗?那人手所造的,有口却不能言, 有眼却不能看, 有耳却不能听, 口中也没有气息的可以指示你所当走的路吗?外邦的偶像是金的,是银的, 是人手所造的,有口却不能言, 有眼却不能看, 有耳却不能听, 口中也没有气息。 造它们的要像它们一样, 凡靠它们的也必如此。 造作你,又从你出胎造就你, 并要帮助你的耶和华如此说: "我是首先的,我是末后的; 除我以外再没有真神。自从我设立古时的民, 谁能像我宣告,并且指明,又为自己陈说呢? 让他将未来的事和必成的事说明。你们不要恐惧,也不要害怕。 我岂不是从上古就说明指示你们吗? 并且你们是我的见证! 除我以外,岂有真神吗? 诚然没有磐石,我不知道一个! 制造雕刻偶像的尽都虚空;他们所喜悦的都无益处;他们的见证无所看见,无所知晓,他们便觉羞愧。谁制造神像,铸造无益的偶像?看哪,他的同伴都必羞愧。工匠也不过是人,任他们聚会,任他们站立,都必惧怕,一同羞愧。铁匠把铁在火炭中烧热,用锤打铁器,用他有力的膀臂锤成;他饥饿而无力,不喝水而发倦。木匠拉线,用笔划出样子,用刨子刨成形状,用圆尺划了模样,仿照人的体态,做成人形,好住在房屋中。他砍伐香柏树,又取柞树和橡树,在树林中选定了一棵。他栽种松树,得雨长养。这树,人可用以烧火;他自己取些烤火,又烧着烤饼,而且做神像跪拜,做雕刻的偶像向它叩拜。他把一分烧在火中,把一分烤肉吃饱。自己烤火说:「啊哈,我暖和了,我见火了。」他用剩下的做了一神,就是雕刻的偶像。他向这偶像俯伏叩拜,祷告它说:「求你拯救我,因你是我的神。」他们不知道,也不思想;因为耶和华闭住他们的眼,不能看见,塞住他们的心,不能明白。谁心里也不醒悟,也没有知识,没有聪明,能说:「我曾拿一分在火中烧了,在炭火上烤过饼;我也烤过肉吃。这剩下的,我岂要作可憎的物吗?我岂可向木子叩拜呢?」他以灰为食,心中昏迷,使他偏邪,他不能自救,也不能说:「我右手中岂不是有虚谎吗?」‘’ 从你出胎,造就你的救赎主—耶和华如此说: "我涂抹你的过犯,像厚云消散; 我涂抹你的罪恶,如薄云灭没。 你当归向我,因我救赎你。我—耶和华是创造万物的, 是独自铺张诸天、铺开大地的。 谁与我同在呢?"

Friday, May 31, 2024
12:19 PM


如果你乘坐的游轮翻了,所有的人都掉进大海里。你在水里挣扎喊救命,周围的人也拼了所有力气喊救命,可是就是没有看到营救队伍的到来,也不见有船只临近或经过。你拼命抓住海上漂浮的东西,因为你已经连漂浮的力气都没有了。这时候,若有一只手向你伸出,你听见他说,‘’赶紧拉住我的手!‘’ 你会伸出手拉住他的手,还是你会推开他? 我们现在活在的世界就如要吞没我们的大海,我们以为可以永远依靠游轮带我们到所要去的目的地或我们向往的生活。但是,轮船经不起惊涛大浪,就如我们现在短暂所拥有的无论是钱财,名誉,享受,安定,甚至信仰,爱情和亲情,都不能是我们永恒的依靠。因为这些都不能拯救我们脱离要吞没我们的大海。唯有那只向我们伸出的手才能把我们从罪恶里拯救出来。耶稣基督向我们伸出他的手,他站在我们心门外,‭他说‘’看哪,我站在门外叩门,若有听见我声音而开门的,我要进到他那里去,我与他,他与我一起吃饭。 ‘’ ‭“上帝爱世人,甚至将他独一的儿子赐给他们,叫一切信他的人不致灭亡,反得永生。因为上帝差他的儿子到世上来,不是要定世人的罪,而是要使世人因他得救。信他的人不被定罪;不信的人已经被定罪了,因为他不信上帝独一儿子的名。光来到世上,世人因自己的行为是恶的,不爱光,倒爱黑暗,这就定了他们的罪 凡作恶的人都恨恶光,不来接近光,恐怕他的行为被暴露。但实行真理的人就来接近光,为要显明他的行为是靠上帝而行的。” 无论你是谁,无论贫富,无论种族和言语,耶稣基督的福音是给全世界的人,信他的就得永生,不信的人已经被定罪了。唯有靠耶稣基督才能得与上帝和好。 你愿意承认你的罪,愿意悔改,愿意相信耶稣是神的儿子,为你的罪被钉死在十字架,借着耶稣的死得与神和好,借着基督的复活你就成为新造的人,因为,若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人:旧事已过,都变成新的了。一切都是出于上帝;他藉着基督使我们与他和好,又将劝人与他和好的使命赐给相信的人。这就是:上帝在基督里使世人与自己和好,不将他们的过犯归到他们身上,并且将这和好的信息托付了信的人。 所以我劝你们与神和好,在这里把这福音的信息说给你们。

Saturday, May 18, 2024
5:44 PM


各位乡亲父老,你要相信耶稣。因为人在世的时日是短暂的九十或七十年或更少些,如果长命也就百岁,但是人的灵魂是永恒的。人的生命在这个世界结束后,灵魂会面对审判,‭因为按着定命,人人都有一死,死后且有审判。‭‬信耶稣的人有永生;不信的人得不着永生,上帝的震怒常在他身上。‭ 上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子(耶稣)赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反得永生。 因为上帝差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已经定了,因为他不信上帝独生子的名。 地狱是可怕充满黑暗和刑法的地方。‭圣经说‬ 就是天使犯了罪,上帝也没有宽容,曾把他们丢在地狱,交在黑暗坑中,等候审判。上帝也没有宽容上古的世代,曾叫洪水临到那不敬虔的世代,却保护了传义道的挪亚一家八口。 要如何才称为义人呢? 我们唯有信靠耶稣才能被称为义人,唯有借着耶稣基督才能得与上帝相和。 无论过去我们的行为如何,若我们现在愿意在上帝面前承认自己的罪,祈求他的赦免,并相信唯有靠他的儿子耶稣基督为我们的罪钉死在十字架上才能得救,我们就与耶稣基督的复活一起得永生,即便现在死了,灵魂可以得到永生,不至于要受到地狱的永恒审判。 你要相信耶稣。你若相信耶稣,你就是行真理。因为‭圣经说 「上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不致灭亡,反得永生。 因为上帝差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。 信他的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已经定了,因为他不信上帝独生子的名。光来到世间,世人因自己的行为是恶的,不爱光,倒爱黑暗,定他们的罪就是在此。 凡作恶的便恨光,并不来就光,恐怕他的行为受责备。 但行真理的必来就光,要显明他所行的是靠上帝而行。」 如果你从心里愿意就可以这样祷告: ‘’耶稣,我愿意相信你是上帝的儿子,并且为我的罪被钉死在十架上。我愿意悔改,祈求你赦免我所有的罪恶,求你拯救我脱离死亡和地狱的审判。求你从现在开始使我能认识你,教导我走正义的路。因为你就是道路,真理和生命。‘’

Wednesday, July 7, 2021
9:39 AM

Dream 07 June 21

I was given a new job title. It was still a junior or entry level position. But it was a title totally new to me and gave me opportunity to learn new skills. The title was stated at the first line of a A4 letter full of words. Somehow it seemed like a title that I felt I could proudly tell people about it and it was very mobile. It was a new job that I could acquire new skills for dispatching of letters and parcels etc. In other word - Delivering! 

I was in a school learning but somehow I always couldn't find the classroom of the subjects according to the time table given to me. Many times I was late because I had no idea which classroom to go to. So the intention was to ask my classmate and clear the confusion and get all sorted out so that I would focus on learning. 

Being misunderstood. 
In the dream, the school claimed that I hit another car with the car I was driving. However, I did not drive the car and I wasn't in school on the day it happened. 

Perhaps I may be misunderstood for things that I did not do but God wants me to focus on acquiring new skills that He is preparing me for His kingdom and plan. Focus on the vision He gave me. The test would be how I respond to all others that are of lest importance comparing to His will and plan.

I felt I was a junior and holding a junior job position. Perhaps that bother me in reality but I am always talking to myself encouraging me that I want to and can be closest to God regardless of any title or position. I am contented having Christ and to serve Him is my only desire and decision. The rest I leave them all to Him. Being a junior has the advantages of acquiring new skills for His kingdom and for His glory. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
12:03 AM

8 August 17 dream

1st part 
I was with Martin.
I met 2 ladies whom I knew.
One of ladies invited Martin to a children meeting at Ikea
The other lady appeared and she seemed to know me well. She opened a fridge and was taking out stuff from the fridge. Martin spoke to her and she mentioned a church name that Martin knew. 

Then we met the 3rd lady. She wasn't very good and Martin spoke to her.

2nd part 
I was on a wheelchair but I wasn't disabled. 
I travel very fast on the wheelchair on a path. I was testing out whether I can travel fast on wheelchair and I did it. I came to a path like a short bridge and I wanted to pass through this bridge to access to a ATM machine. But the people at the bridge saw me and they wanted to help me. I turned around and go opposite direction from the bridge because I didn't want the people to help me as I wasn't really handicap. I was just testing to travel fast on wheelchair. I was travelling really fast speed on it. 

3rd part 

I was looking out of window of a room I staying and I saw the beach. Many things I saw at the beach happening. 

4th part
I was in one of the storey of a building with my family. Construction was going on and it seemed like we were at building similarly old like Odeon Katong or katong shopping centre. Suddenly the building began to shake and my first reaction was let's run n get out of the building. As I open the door to the staircases the place was already full with people escaping out from the staircases. We joined the crowd to escape. Then I realised I had left my dog in the house.  But somehow I knew my husband could have already taken the dog with him.

Saturday, October 21, 2017
11:05 AM

Dream 21 Oct 17

I walked into the house.
The living room floor was full of unwanted stuff and dirt. I thought to myself it would hv to take up much of my energy to clean them, I felt exhausted.
Then I went to the bedroom, the bedroom was clear without any stuff and I just need to scratch the floor and then it was clean. After done, then I thought I hv to proceed to clean the mess at the living room. 
But when I came out of bedroom to the living room, the stuff in the living room were all gone! The floor was clean and shine! I thought could an angel did it for me?


Evil or good lies in our heart.
Out of the heart came evil thoughts, so clean my heart first, then the outside will be clean.

Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. "Listen," he said, "and try to understand.  It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth." Then the disciples came to him and asked, "Do you realize you offended the Pharisees by what you just said?" Jesus replied, "Every plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted,  so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch." Then Peter said to Jesus, "Explain to us the parable that says people aren't defiled by what they eat." "Don't you understand yet?" Jesus asked. "Anything you eat passes through the stomach and then goes into the sewer.  But the words you speak come from the heart—that's what defiles you.  For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander.  These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands will never defile you."
Matthew 15:10‭-‬20 NLT

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
11:52 PM

Journal 26 Sep 17

26 Sep 17
This morning I woke up with awareness that the Holy Spirit was speaking to me the whole morning while I was still sleeping about what papa Martin has taught us - trading with God or trading with the devil.

25 Sep I was in pain for whole day. The tension headache has not been happening for a substantial period of time but it happened again due to menstruation. I prayed for myself and I asked Selyn to pray for me. I insisted not to take any medicine though my old usual habit was to take 2 panadols to ease the pain fast and then took a nap. I felt impressed to take a hot bath 2nd time before I went to bed and I felt the level of pain went down after bath. The Holy Spirit said He was teaching me what it means to not to trade with the devil. Not to take the easier way - by taking medicine but to press in for healing from God the Father, trusting that He is the Healer and to depend on Him.
26 Sep I woke up with the word - yes this is what it mean not to trade with devil.  My headache was gone.

I was also reading Galatians 5 and asking the Spirit to show me what it really mean to live walk and lead by Him. He said let Him occupied me and listen only to Him, regardless how I am feeling on my body and my emotions. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
10:42 PM

Dream 21 August 17 afternoon nap

21 August 17 afternoon nap

I was with Ps Yang.
He held a small item in his hand and he told me the name of that item which I didn't understand.
I told him sorry my English not very good.
The he spoke to me in Cantonese. I replied him in Cantonese told him I knew a bit of Cantonese but asked him can he speak to me in teochew or Chinese.  I did this to engage him as I knew that he couldn't speak the 2 languages. But I wanted to express my intention that i want to understand him.

Learn his language to understand him.
Sometimes he said something and it did not mean what you think it meant. 
Why not first express your sincere effort to understand him, it takes much more than a language to know him and his heart. 

8:58 AM

Dream 22 August 17

We were at foreign place.
Standing on high floor of a building.
The ground had many things but mainly there was a sea. 
One by one people whom I knew jumped off the building and dive in the wind to get to the ground into the sea. I did not do it but I was there. 
After that there was a looked like ceremony kind of thing. I saw Esther wet standing there (came out of the sea) and a lady was doing a ceremony over her, chanting something I did not understand. 

Someone holding a branch of dendalion flowers and the seeds were blown away by the strong wind and a vessel was left. She threw away the vessel but I told her the vessel was nice and can be used to contain beer.
I held the vessel in my hand and I removed it's cap. I saw that the vessel was unique and beautiful.

Monday, August 21, 2017
9:32 AM

Dream 21 August 17

I was sitting in a mini car with a family. The driver was a very tall guy. We went into a car park. The parking fees had been paid for by the organisation. It was night so these cars owners would start to park their cars at these paid season parking lots. While driving in, we passed by another mini car and a saloon car parking along the entering way at right side into the car park. There were no drivers or passages in the cars as they had left their cars behind for the night. However it wasnt right to park the car along the entering way. 
After passing by these cars that parked at illegal places, just a little distance further up the tall guy stopped his mini car along the left side of the way. We all came out of his car. I asked him whether I could drive his mini car and parked the car at one of the proper lots. He replied me 'no' and then he carried his mini car with his arm and walked away and put the car at a proper parking lot.

Then we started walking together to a destination with a group of people in the open field.
The tall guy seemed to be one of leaders and while we were passing through a fence door in the field, he asked me whether we should put on the 'mantle'.
I seemed to know what was 'mantle' in the dream but we weren't wearing them at that time. He said we were suppose to put on the mantle.
He was so tall that I couldn't see him eye to eye while we were talking. And I had to hear him attentively as he was too tall and I didn't turned my head up to look at him. However I could hear what he was saying and I can understand him.


The new responsibility God is giving me is an important role or responsibility that passes to me from someone. I am transiting from a mini car ministry to an open field ministry with a group of people and once I enter into that door (fence door), I have to put on the mantle and be in consistent communion with the Holy Spirit (the tall guy). 

I cannot park the mini car, the Holy Spirit will do it. He decides where and when to park the car. I have to wait for Him because He is the driver and I am not. I follow His leading. 
He is with me wherever, in the mini car, in the car park and in the open field. His plan and thoughts are higher (taller) than me but He will reveal to me and I can understand. 

The mini car and saloon car that illegally parked at right side of the entering way. This was ministry ''parked' at a position that was not even what God wants because it didn't hv a parking lot allocated for it. Neither was the ministry moving or progressing. It was stagnant. 

Meaning of mantle:
an important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another.
"the second son has now assumed his father's mantle"
"the mantle of leadership"

6:50 AM

Dream 21 August 17

I was sitting in a mini car with a family. The driver was a very tall guy. We went into a car park. The parking fees had been paid for by the organisation. It was night so these cars owners would start to park their cars at these paid season parking lots. While driving in, we passed by another mini car parking along the entering way at right side into the car park. It wasnt right to park the car along the entering way. 
After passing by that mini car, just a little distance further up the tall guy stopped by along the left side. We all came out of his car. I asked him whether I could drive his mini car and parked the car. He replied me 'no' and then he carried his mini car with his arm and walked away and put it at a proper parking lot.

Then we were walking to a destination with a group of people.
The tall guy seemed to be one of leaders and he asked me whether we should put on 'mandate'.
I seemed to know what was 'mandate' in the dream but we weren't wearing them. He said we were suppose to wear the mandate.
He was so tall that I couldn't see him eye to eye while we were talking. And even I had to hear him attentively as he was too tall and I didn't turned my head up to look at him. However I could hear what he was saying.

Monday, July 24, 2017
9:02 AM

His Nature and Our Motives

…unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. —Matthew 5:20


The characteristic of a disciple is not that he does good things, but that he is good in his motives, having been made good by the supernatural grace of God. The only thing that exceeds right-doing is right-being. Jesus Christ came to place within anyone who would let Him a new heredity that would have a righteousness exceeding that of the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus is saying, "If you are My disciple, you must be right not only in your actions, but also in your motives, your aspirations, and in the deep recesses of the thoughts of your mind." Your motives must be so pure that God Almighty can see nothing to rebuke. Who can stand in the eternal light of God and have nothing for Him to rebuke? Only the Son of God, and Jesus Christ claims that through His redemption He can place within anyone His own nature and make that person as pure and as simple as a child. The purity that God demands is impossible unless I can be remade within, and that is exactly what Jesus has undertaken to do through His redemption.

No one can make himself pure by obeying laws. Jesus Christ does not give us rules and regulations— He gives us His teachings which are truths that can only be interpreted by His nature which He places within us. The great wonder of Jesus Christ's salvation is that He changes our heredity. He does not change human nature— He changes its source, and thereby its motives as well.


Sincerity means that the appearance and the reality are exactly the same.Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, 1449 L

Sunday, July 16, 2017
8:06 AM

Dream 14 July 17

I was counselling my younger sister through the phone. 
She was saying something about giving support to the government of Singapore. She felt not many people contributed, only she and her family and a small community doing the work.
I spoke to her and said she wasn't alone doing all the work. Every individual contributed in different way as part of the country. Sometimes you see but even if you don't see doesn't mean they were not contributing. By being a citizen each was contributing in what he or she was doing.
I was speaking very clearly and orderly n wisely in the dream. 

8:05 AM

Dream 16 July 17

I saw a retangle basket consists of 3 different kind of vegetables or plants. The 3 was bundle n neatly put in 3 rows in the basket. It was very heavy. The first type of plant at the 1st row from left I was told the name, it was tiny plant with several petals (water crest) The 2nd row was big leaves looked like vegetable without stalk. The 3rd row was another kind.  I decided to carry it to ps Daphne house as it was for her.  I asked for help of another lady. We carried it together out of the door then I was alone carrying and she asked to to carry to the stool n place it there. While she went to get a trolley.

I was looking for toilet to pass urine. 
The main toilet was closed so I went to the toilet of the apartment. The apartment was locked but the toilet can be used. It was occupied so I Q up. While Q ing,  a group of people came n a lady was doing something n then she asked the group for money 50 cent each for the jelly. I asked her to help collect money n after that she offered me to take a cup jelly after I used the toilet. 

Monday, July 10, 2017
12:56 AM

3 Feb 17

an axe in your hand
sharpen your axe, blunt use more strength
sharp - bring correction, uproot chop down
battle axe, sharpen it by praying in the spirit
when the lord said cut down be ready to do it.

12:39 AM

21 Apr 17 prophesy

bear some of other people burden. certain role God put us in like a intercessor or pastor God gives us the privilege.

you are actually is your strength and you are not easily affected by things. If you keep not affecting by things, you may loose touch of what is in you.
example Jesus wept when Lazarus died. its good to cry and let others affect you just like God allows us to affect Him.
Love is ever growing thing. for all eternity, we may understanding the depth height length and wideth.
God makes us to have capacity to grow in love
allow God to take on me not to loose it.

Things for me in front I need to do. relationship is most important.
I am like a Deborah. She is a judge when Israel time judges is highest person.
She is surrounded by men.
Deborah like a moses. you are holding a stuff like moses. represent power and anointing, strongest anointing and power.
God put you in this place in 3 years period.
Not just a function but you have to believe it demonstrates it and do it.
The people don't understand the language. Jesus talked certain way to different people cos they don't understand. Deborah talked to the spirit influencing the person
Reap the harvest - a sickle
Hold the weed. represent harvest
Judah need to be united as the enemies was coming. suppose to get rid of all enemies. execute the way demonstrates god mercy and judgement
put an end to the power ruling at that time
god intention is for all of us to demonstrates the light of God

when you approach this there is a preparation phase
understanding of god righteousness.
Jonah knew god but his understanding of god righteousness is not correct.
how fast you learn god righteousness, you can have acceleration
god has different way of doing things.
e.g. saul killing the wrong person. he had no understanding. some Christian can be so zealous for god that they don't understand god
some thing don't make sense. mercy don't make sense
Jonah felt they reserve to be punished, why god spared them
Prostitutes etc attracted to Jesus
The people that hated you or hitting you are the people deserve it

God raising up others for you
You are there to teach others though you don't believe it. good teaching is done by modelling.
find opportunity to do it. invest in other people lives, good at it and spend lesser time
don't have constantly with them, or do dependant on you. to be able be like Jesus, able to have
1) trust God to do his part
2) be responsible help others get to that quickly
jesus: do I have to stay with you so long?
not about knowledge, how to do it
at the end they must be able to see this is how God looks like - teacher modelling
start doing this , opportunity will start open up
teacher has to let go and let the students do.
Start moving in these giftings. learn discernment pick and choose what to do.
cannot be friends with everyone.
ask for right people
need certain resources
give and learn to receive
trusting god, open hand - receive and give away
more & more of god nature to grow in you
don't have don't panic, ask God for it

have to be persistent sometimes. e.g. Peter persistent
be alert of God's timing and strategy of doing things
be alert of enemy's trap
overcome it and become skilled

12:02 AM

9 May 17 calling

Outpouring of Holy Spirit. Overflowing of the Holy Spirit.
Things that I been seeking asking and praying for n responded to. Acts - apostles filled with HS several x. Baptism only 1 x
Encounter related to what I responding to, what I seeking for and what is in my heart.
Also a burden the Lord gives. Crying uncontrollably. He shows me a part of His heart. 
God is responding and giving me answer to what I responded to the calling of missionary.
Knowing and doing it. Choose how and when to do it. 

Ask God what to do about it.
Life complicated.
Known earlier would be easier.
God can do but I have to count the costs in the beginning. 
3 things:
1) main purpose of my life
2) Hear from Him how He made me
Not quantity but specific
Must get thing very right.
For him as example - missionary
& took him a long time to find out God made him as a investor. Different way of doing missionary.
Investor also take the risk to invest. 
Many other things God gave to do but be focus on the big picture. A single thing God gives to do. Prophecy, wisdom helps him to do what God gives him to do.
Gift of not get marry. 
A book written abt us but another book also writing at the same time. If single definitely easier n be right in the will of God. Man made decision n choices that have to live with it. It may be better. In our free will God also want to bless us. But now we need to be focus. 
If there no satisfaction in our lives something is not right. When not doing what my life suppose to be, when we choose God, these things start to surface. Holy Spirit gives us how much we can take. Things inside my life things I believe that are not true must allow God to deal them. 
Always be full of the Holy Spirit. Fullness of God. Be filled with God. 
3) what should I do now? Starting to count costs. Ask for wisdom to help in understanding of what I should do now.
Rebound quickly. Learn from beginning. Get hurt but must turn hurt disappointment into joy.
**Find out how I operate?**
Look at how pple make decision. 
Reflect back. 
God is fully in charge of me.
Make sure really led by God
Walk on water. 

I have to know broad n specific picture. 
To know what would happen min by min of my life. What God has for me in the moment by moment time. See forest from the tree n see details as well.

Wisdom - understanding, knowledge, discernment

Power of HS combined with words of God
Hear the words of God all the time

Live out unconsciously.
Become part of my life. 

Make decision. Rubber hit the robe.  It's going to costs me everything. 
Need to know how to overcome
Ask God shows us what my future
Don't want blessing with sorrow. 
Go thru pain disappointment n suffering 
In every circumstances at state where your love is unconditional.
Recover things that are lost

Sunday, July 9, 2017
8:13 PM

Prophetic words - Lex 28 Jun 17

Honey - sugar
The Lord wants to feed me with honey. God will sustain me in any circumstances. During famine no honey but God will feed me. God wants to assure me. In any circumstances the Lord will feed me with honey. Represent best of the best. I need to elevate myself to the point of acceptance.
My mindset hinders me from believing that I am worthy and accepting the blessings of God. 
All I need to do is to receive it. Honey is good for nourishment and blessings for me. Receive it gladly. I need to walk out the Queens ship. Queen deserve blessings from the Father. God gives the best. The girl will gladly accept from the Father without reasoning.
(Prophetic words from Lex)

Friday, July 7, 2017
1:47 PM

Psalms 30:6-7

Psalm 30:6

"In my prosperity." When all his foes were quiet, and his rebellious son dead and buried, then was the time of peril. Many a vessel founders in a calm. No temptation is so bad as tranquility. "I said, I shall never be moved." Ah! David, you said more than was wise to say, or even to think, for God has founded the world upon the floods, to show us what a poor, mutable, movable, inconstant world it is. Unhappy he who builds upon it! He builds himself a dungeon for his hopes. Instead of conceiving that we shall never be moved, we ought to remember that we shall very soon be moved altogether. Nothing is abiding beneath the moon. Because I happen to be prosperous today, I must not fancy that I shall be in my high estate tomorrow. As in a wheel, the uppermost spokes descend to the bottom in due course, so is it with mortal conditions. There is a constant revolution; many who are in the dust today shall be highly elevated tomorrow; while those who are now aloft shall soon grind the earth. Prosperity had evidently turned the Psalmist's head, or he would not have been so self-confident. He stood by grace, and yet forgot himself, and so met with a fall. Reader, is there not much of the same proud stuff in all our hearts? let us beware lest the fumes of intoxicating success get into our brains and make fools of us also.

Psalm 30:7

"Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong." He ascribed his prosperity to the Lord's favour - so far good, it is well to own the hand of the Lord in all our stability and wealth. But observe that the good in a good man is not unmingled good, for this was alloyed with carnal security. His state he compares to a mountain, a molehill would have been nearer - we never think too little of ourselves. He boasted that his mountain stood strong, and yet he had before, in Psalm 29:1-11, spoken of Sirion and Lebanon as moving like young unicorns. Was David's state more firm than Lebanon? Ah, vain conceit, too common to us sill How soon the bubble bursts when God's people get conceit into their heads, and fancy that they are to enjoy immutability beneath the stars, and constancy upon this whirling orb. How touchingly and teachingly God corrected his servant's mistake: "Thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled." There was no need to come to blows, a hidden face was enough. This proves, first, that David was a genuine saint, for no hiding of God's face on earth would trouble a sinner; and, secondly, that the joy of the saint is dependent upon the presence of his Lord. No mountain, however firm, can yield us rest when our communion with God is broken, and his face is concealed. However, in such a case, it is well to be troubled. The next best thing to basking in the light of God's countenance, is to be thoroughly unhappy when that bliss is denied us.

"Lord, let me weep for nought for sin!

And after none but thee!

And then I would - O that Imight,

A constant weeper be!"6, 7. What particular prosperity is meant we do not know; perhaps his accession to the throne. In his self-complacent elation he was checked by God's hiding His face (compare Ps 22:24; 27:9).30:6-12 When things are well with us, we are very apt to think that they will always be so. When we see our mistake, it becomes us to think with shame upon our carnal security as our folly. If God hide his face, a good man is troubled, though no other calamity befal him. But if God, in wisdom and justice, turn from us, it will be the greatest folly if we turn from him. No; let us learn to pray in the dark. The sanctified spirit, which returns to God, shall praise him, shall be still praising him; but the services of God's house cannot be performed by the dust; it cannot praise him; there is none of that device or working in the grave, for it is the land of silence. We ask aright for life, when we do so that we may live to praise him. In due time God delivered the psalmist out of his troubles. Our tongue is our glory, and never more so than when employed in praising God. He would persevere to the end in praise, hoping that he should shortly be where this would be the everlasting work. But let all beware of carnal security. Neither outward prosperity, nor inward peace, here, are sure and lasting. The Lord, in his favour, has fixed the believer's safety firm as the deep-rooted mountains, but he must expect to meet with temptations and afflictions. When we grow careless, we fall into sin, the Lord hides his face, our comforts droop, and troubles assail us.
Psalm 30:5

Thursday, July 6, 2017
2:01 PM

Devotion 6 July 17

The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control." Many sorrows come to the wicked, but unfailing love surrounds those who trust the Lord . So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!
Psalms 32:8‭-‬11 NLT

2:35 AM

Word from my utmost highest - my dearest Friend

The Lord said not to neglect Holy Spirit, not to forget that He is here and He is in me. He is my BFF, Comforter, Friend, Counselor, Strength, Wisdom and Breath, without Him there is no lives, without Him I cannot function. He reminded me of Katherine K who was very closed to HS though she had never seen the Lord Jesus. Jesus said He returned to the Father so that another Helper will come and He will remind us what He had said and done when He was with the disciples. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017
7:31 PM

26 June 17 afternoon nap dream

We were at the park (outdoor).
Dian was on the phone with his wife. I overheard his conversation. It was very solemn stern serious and authoritative conversation. 
He was very straight very direct and no beat around the bush. The contents I heard it very clearly. Every sentence was clear to me. 
It was like God speaking to Israel and Judah in the book of Jeremiah. Israel and Judah were liked unfaithful wife to God. God free her from slavery and redeemed her but she had forgotten Him. 

Another scenario was at the eating area. Dian was quiet he was sitting at a table eating his food. I wanted to greet him but he seemed angry (like God angry of the rebellious Israel and Judah) very stern. I hesitated & whispered to him but he didn't hear and didn't respond.

After everyone was gone from the eating area. I scoop some porridge with duck meat from the water heater/dispenser, intended to feed Selyn but I remembered she didn't want me to feed her anymore as she told me she had grown up and she could feed herself. 

I feel this dream is figurative. It speaks of Father God's authoritative figure as a Father. 
The conversation was stern and serious, direct and straight without any turning without beating around the bush. Father God's firmness as a just God and His love for His people is manifested through His direct words of righteousness and justice. 

7:07 PM

Dream 1 July 17

I was with Esther. We were walking when suddenly she was sweating and seemed to in pain on her abdomen. She bend her body. I was with her and immediately I carried her with both of my arms. I knew I can't stand up straight with her in my arms so I called for the people surrounding to help support me from squatting position to stand up position with Esther in my arms. The people responded immediately and they circled me and support me to stand up. 
After that I was alone carried Esther to find the specific lift to get to her house (we were at the void deck of her block). At first I went to a lift but it wasn't the right one so I walked to the other lift. I was shown the unit no I had to get to, couldn't recall exactly but I asked the HS and it started with 11-113 the first numbers came to me when I asked HS.

Praise the Lord ! Yes, give praise, O servants of the Lord . Praise the name of the Lord ! Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever. Everywhere—from east to west— praise the name of the Lord . For the Lord is high above the nations; his glory is higher than the heavens. Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people! He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the Lord ! Psalms 113:1‭-‬9 NLT

I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly like a bird to the mountains for safety! The wicked are stringing their bows and fitting their arrows on the bowstrings. They shoot from the shadows at those whose hearts are right. The foundations of law and order have collapsed. What can the righteous do?" But the Lord is in his holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence. He will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds. For the righteous Lord loves justice. The virtuous will see his face. Psalms 11:1‭-‬7 NLT

Monday, June 26, 2017
9:09 PM

Dream 25 June 17

We were in a ferry. Bro Martin and 2 other guys (someone I knew but not exactly able identify them in dream) were half naked. I saw Bro Martin lying to sleep/rest on the bench with cushion in the ferry. Then he stood up and asked how much time left for him to do the activities and to swim with them. The 2 guys were still with him but they did not talk. Then I saw a sister singing karaok and at same time holding on to bro Martin's arm while walking forward. I wanted to participate but somehow I didn't join.

Someone sent me and I went to get 'paper food' for a group in the ferry. The 'paper food' were mainly for the children but there weren't any much left or available at the buffet spread. I managed to scoop up some white tiny food ('paper food') with another kind of food. But mainly to scoop the white tiny pebbles food but there weren't much available/left.
Then I saw 2 kinds of cakes with colours. Some came to cut the cake and got slice of it. 

1:29 AM

How God made me

23 June 17
The Lord brought me through a time of grief, pain and sorrow. At first it seemed to me I was grief over a ,what I deem to be, silly reason. I couldnt explain why I was so sorrow and grief. However, He has privileged me to have great capacity for feeling (passion, emotion, affections) for those who are suffering. He has made me in such a way that I am capable to experience a sensation or impression that are usually painful (feel, passion, suffer, vex). That's part of how God made me. Father God told me tonight that that's part of how He made me...
That was something I knew and was obvious when I was a child. I grief over the feeling of others, especially my love ones, I could sense strongly their emotions. And it was affecting me so much as a child that even my teacher suspected and told my mum I might be autism but I wasn't! My parents did not know how to deal with this part of me and most of time they chose to avoid or just let it be. Now I understand that is how Papa God made me and the enemy was trying to put me down by making lies to me and the people around me. It is actually my strength and how I operate and function as a child of God. It is actually how I was made and because of this I am able to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to set the captives free. To carry Father God's heart. To be an expression of who He really is as a God of faith, love & hope.

The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.
Romans 8:16‭-‬17

For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children. And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to God's curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has promised us. We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don't need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.) And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory. What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't he also give us everything else? Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God's right hand, pleading for us. Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (As the Scriptures say, "For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep." ) No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:16‭-‬39 NLT

Sunday, June 25, 2017
7:13 PM

Selyn dream 25 June

Malaysia was attacking Singapore.
Selyn n family on the run.
She was separated n she came to water side.
The people attacking injected chemical into the water and it turned black.

3:30 PM

Dream 23 June 17

Dream 23 June 17 

I was in a bus. The bus drove by a river and I saw a corpse in someone bosom. 
Then the bus drove by second time and I heard that the guy who witnessed the 1st death was murdered at the same river place.

I was sitting on a bed falling asleep or in a trance.
A lady closed up an artificial door to segregate the area I was in. It was dark. I was in a trance and I could feel in the spiritual realm surrounding the vibration of the steps of people running to God. I felt in my spirit God was telling me not to fear, it was Him. I felt inner peace though the surrounding was dark. I cried out with deep desire in my spirit: 'God.. I want You...' 
After I came out of trance I realised the segregation 'door' was right in front of my face/the bed i was sitting. Immediately I pushed it opened and I saw the other side of the room, the lady was having other things going on on the other side of room. She closed the 'door' when she saw that I was 'sleeping'. 

3:03 PM

21 June 17 - words from MT

Felt God wanted you to know: 
1) When you follow God it will cost you and there will be pain but don't let it discourage you instead be encouraged God is fighting for you!
2) It may seem you are alone but that is furthest from the truth. You are surrounded by those who love you the most!
3) Enjoy every moment and be thankful! Each day closer to God. So when receiving good news rejoice! When facing difficult news let your joy meter overflow. When you have a time to reflect be thankful and rejoice forevermore!

[21/06 9:31 am] Low Diane: Thank you!!!! 😘 appreciate it! Must ponder...
Especially point 2. I always feel I'm alone and it's ok I can fight alone
[21/06 9:32 am] Low Diane: Point 1 is what I been pondering...and making covenant with God. He gives me a weapon - not get offended and if I do I can overcome it easily n fast
[21/06 9:34 am] Low Diane: Point 3: I take longer time to realise I should rejoice over a good news. Haha

Father, what are the covenants You want to make with me?

1) I AM your Shield and Protector and Defender. I FIGHT for you. Stand close to Me and see what I DO. See how I make the enemies your footstool.

2) I go all the way for you when you go all the way for Me. I Am a radical God when you recklessly follow Me. 

3) Don't even for a moment worry about what you need or what your family and children need. I did not give you this task or assignment. That's Mine to do. Don't ever take the task that's Mine. You job I'd to trust ME.

4) I never say you have to protect yourself or fight alone. The great I AM is with you. I AM with you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, let go of yourself and be MINE! 

5) You are doing good My dear! You are being who I made you to be. That's you! Yes that's right, that's you! I made you therefore I know you. 😃
I do not make mistake. I did not make any mistake when I made you. I AM perfect. 

6) It's ok it's alright it's perfectly fine when you make a fool of yourself. PAPA God is smiling. I AM laughing. Because you go all the way for me, I stand up for you. I back you up. I WILL SHOW UP when you thought you have messed up!!! Because I have made your heart pure, authentic, genuine and pleasing to me. I draw you to Me all the time and you responded to Me with longing, desire and deep affection. You are all for ME, because of that I AM attracted to you. 

7) Love ME and love the people whom I put in your life, those around you without reservation. Do not fear getting hurt by them because I have given you a SUPERNATURAL heart. A heart that has been mingled with MY HEART. A heart that will never get exhausted. A heart that will never cease to flow out living water. My Spirit never exhaust and never grow tired. I never stop loving you, so you never stop loving the  I tell you to love. 

Monday, June 19, 2017
1:30 PM

Dream 19 June 17

We were at a dinner. A lady I knew was drunk. I felt I needed to attend to her. I looked for her and asked her whether she needed me to send her to her hotel room. 

The same lady (known her yet couldn't recall her exact look) was with me. We had to cross over from this side to the other side. The other side was slope up and rocky area and sea water under. 
She jumped over first but missed landing on the ground of the other side and she slipped down on rocky slope and down into the sea water. 
I shouted to a brother (looked like yunhe) for help and I told him we needed a rope to save her. 
I turned back and saw her swimming towards the direction of the land that was further away. I knew it was impossible for her to reach there as it was a long distance to swim there though it seemed near by sight. 

When it was my turn to cross over. I saw a path way that I could walk over. So I walked over and I saw liken a welcome stand made of greenery with some words and one of the words was 'Jesus'. 

1:00 PM

Dream 18 June 17

A lady name Jamie was ill.
Jamie told me she wanted to join us when we fellowship.
The guy who put his face to touch my face as a form of greeting. I told him Jamie wanted to join us. This same guy told me Jamie had not been joining us cos she was ill. Jamie was ill not carol.

I took a taxi at a market place (looked like Haig road market). I did not tell the driver where to go. He drove a route from one point of the market place, made a detour and back to another point of the same market place in just a short time, from this point to the other point at same place i could just walk there. I did not need to take a taxi!! When he reached the point, he requested me to pay him 500 dollars (in foreign currency either Thai or ringgit). When I divided in exchange rate 3, it still costs more than 100 in SGD to get from point to point ended up at same place. I refused to pay him and I reasoned with him that it wasn't fair that he charged me so expensive as I ended up still at the same place. But the driver was quiet. I was thinking he should had sent me back to the hotel or I should have told him where to go and then the price would be worth to pay for. Yet in my spirit I felt the cost actually included an earlier journey that took me from somewhere else further to the current market place. 

Car - means vocation or something that occupies you or what you do a lot of

At same place. But seemed paid a higher cost yet in actual only 1/3 of it. 

God has been leading me step by step to where I am now. Even long before I first came to Cornerstone. The cost is worth paid for but in actual fact the blessings are far outweigh the costs. It wasn't a cost at all ultimately but its God's grace, blessings and His good good intention for me as a good good Father. I can rest assured that He is guiding me step by step, trust Him! Even if I ended up at the same place, He has plan for me. Trust Him. Hear Him and follow His guidance. The 'driver' is a messenger of God. Let God leads me. Not to where I want to go but to where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Total abandonment of self and follow Him recklessly. 

Sunday, June 18, 2017
4:34 PM

Dream 17 June 17

I was pushing a bed with roller wheels around outside a landed house. To find a place to put the bed for my younger daughter Selyn but there were residential (they were not happy when I position the bed outside their gates/houses) and stuff every where...I couldn't find a suitable place to fit or tie the bed to.

There were several traditional clocks in the living room. One of them was not working & the time wasn't in alignment with the rest. I adjusted this clock, moving the short needle to number 12 and the long needle at number 2 (or 10 min) and then adjusted another 5min and then another 2-3 min.

We or the church were moving and clearing old clothes and stuffs.
I wrapped with orange water proof bag a set of clothes and under garment and a long equipment which I didn't want them and I was holding it in my hands but I did not know what to do with them.

2 Samuel 12: 5-7 & 10, 14
Romans 2:23-24

You are so proud of knowing the law, but you dishonor God by breaking it. No wonder the Scriptures say, "The Gentiles blaspheme the name of God because of you."
Romans 2:23‭-‬24 NLT

You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law? For "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," as it is written.
Romans 2:23‭-‬24


There were several traditional clocks in the living room. One of them the time wasn't in alignment with the rest. I adjusted this clock, the short needle to number 12 and the long needle at number 2 (or 10 min) and then adjusted another 5 min and then another 2 min.

2 Samuel 12: 5-7 & 10, 14
Romans 2:23-24

'Why have you despised the commandment of the Lord ,............because you have despised Me,..'
II Samuel 12:9‭-‬10

God spoke through the prophet that David had dishonor Him or despised His word. 
The root cause of sin of believer is dishonor or despise God's word. 

You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law? For "the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," as it is written. Romans 2:23‭-‬24

Solemn verses to us all who know the commandment yet still choose to dishonor God and His commandment.

1:19 PM

1145am svc 18 June 17

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:
1) God was manifested in the flesh, (identification)
      -  Jesus is God. He manifests the Father
Central doctrine - incarnation
Christ is God therefore His death n crucifixion is sufficient
Significance of incarnation
Philip 2:6 NASB emptied Himself

We are called to be followers
Constant practice and exercise

Recommend book 'God came here' - max luc

2) Justified in the Spirit, (justification)
      - Transformation
     Different when applied to the Lord and to us
     Vindicated - His claim was came true (He rose)

Requirement for us to be justified is to believe what Jesus has done for us. Declared us as righteous. 
Instantaneous and progressively
When we believe, we are instantly saved
But we are still in progressive justification  

3) Seen by angels, (tested)
4) Preached among the Gentiles,  (assignment )
5) Believed on in the world, (fruitfulness) in my life
6) Received up in glory. (Completion)

I Timothy 3:16 

Eusebeia - a sacred awe and reverence

2 Peter 1- steps to agape

1) Godliness Is visible and practical
- Conduct of our lives 
2 Peter 3:11 actions

2) Has to be exercised and practiced 
1 Tim 4:7-8
Profitable for all things
Eternal quality

Monday, June 12, 2017
10:32 PM

Fwd: Dream 12 June 17 the car disappeared!

Seven usually speaks of perfection and your dream seems to indicate that when you are placed in the right position or place (perhaps your vocation or what God wants you to do now) - as car usually means vocation or something that occupies you or what you do a lot of; anyways when you are in the right place God wants you to be there will be lightning acceleration to what God wants you to do!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Low Diane" <dianelkg333@gmail.com>
Date: 12 Jun 2017 19:30
Subject: Dream 12 June 17 the car disappeared!
To: <dianelkg333.dianelkg333@blogger.com>

Dream 12 June 17

A verses about heart kept repeating in my mind

I saw a lady directing a driver of a 7 seaters car to reverse to park at a specific location. Suddenly a lighting strike from above and the car was gone/disappeared!! 
I witness everything and I was stunned and amazed. I told others about what happen but seem no one responded as excited as me and I was wondering whether the car had been transported to another place or another road. In my mind I thought it may appear in the middle of another road. 

I feel God is saying not to park myself at 1 location. He is bringing me to places He wants me to go, in His divine and mysterious and unpredictable ways. I have to trust Him though I am stunned and amazed by His ways. Though now I may not know where I am going but He will do what He said and promised. TRUST HIM to lead me and guide me step by step. God is light. Lighting from above represent the hand of God, the work of God, not the work of man. 

"The Spirit of the Lord God  is upon Me, Because the Lord  has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those  who  are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord , And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord , that He may be glorified." And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations. Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, And the sons of the foreigner Shall  be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you shall be named the priests of the Lord , They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, And in their glory you shall boast. Instead of your shame you  shall  have double honor, And instead  of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs. "For I, the Lord , love justice; I hate robbery for burnt offering; I will direct their work in truth, And will make with them an everlasting covenant. Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, And their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, That they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed." I will greatly rejoice in the Lord , My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the earth brings forth its bud, As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. Isaiah 61:1‭-‬11 NKJV

7:30 PM

Dream 12 June 17 the car disappeared!

Dream 12 June 17

A verses about heart kept repeating in my mind

I saw a lady directing a driver of a 7 seaters car to reverse to park at a specific location. Suddenly a lighting strike from above and the car was gone/disappeared!! 
I witness everything and I was stunned and amazed. I told others about what happen but seem no one responded as excited as me and I was wondering whether the car had been transported to another place or another road. In my mind I thought it may appear in the middle of another road. 

I feel God is saying not to park myself at 1 location. He is bringing me to places He wants me to go, in His divine and mysterious and unpredictable ways. I have to trust Him though I am stunned and amazed by His ways. Though now I may not know where I am going but He will do what He said and promised. TRUST HIM to lead me and guide me step by step. God is light. Lighting from above represent the hand of God, the work of God, not the work of man. 

"The Spirit of the Lord God  is upon Me, Because the Lord  has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those  who  are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord , And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord , that He may be glorified." And they shall rebuild the old ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations. Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, And the sons of the foreigner Shall  be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you shall be named the priests of the Lord , They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, And in their glory you shall boast. Instead of your shame you  shall  have double honor, And instead  of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs. "For I, the Lord , love justice; I hate robbery for burnt offering; I will direct their work in truth, And will make with them an everlasting covenant. Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, And their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, That they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed." I will greatly rejoice in the Lord , My soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the earth brings forth its bud, As the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, So the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. Isaiah 61:1‭-‬11 NKJV

Sunday, June 11, 2017
9:46 AM

Dream 10 June 17

I was descending from a tall building with a buddy. It seems like we were able to descend slowly and when reaching the ground which was like a sea. I swim in the air just beyond the surface of the water and through a cave and I saw a village, I heard it was Australia. I saw some others who were with us also were descended at same place. The people at village helped us and feed us but we paid for the food. There was a bag of money and I sorted.  

9:46 AM

Dream 9 June 17

Pei pei recruited a lady as temporary or part time basis to help in finance. 
I felt very release and I felt in my spirit I was to hand over my works for the next 1 month. 

I told this lady who was also a seeker that she had to arrange for 2 family outings for her household for bonding. Deliberately arranged but be naturally bonded as a family.

Somehow I felt pei pei position was empty, someone professional had to take over her position.

I went to see doctor but my flu was already 4 days and I was healing. I briefly told the doctor and she gave me tablets in a paper folding. 

I saw a hot cooking pot boiling very strongly in the main audi of Cornerstone. 
A child flip open the cover of the pot, the cooking pot dropped out of the thermosat and I saw inside the pot was boiling ferociously. It was still boiling even though it was dropped out of the thermostat and boiling very fiercely. I could see so clearly the boiling bubbling inside the pot.

Judgement of God => revival

Jeremiah 1
Ezerkiel 11
Ezerkiel 24

9:43 AM

Dream 5 June 17

I felt sad in the dream.
A young man or a teenager boy was found out of taking money not his. I was in that same situation. Therefore I felt grief or sad.

My aunt was there. I felt sad as well that her attention was diverted to many others. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017
12:34 PM

Most wonderful Dream abt 20 years ago

I dont know it was a dream or a night vision because it was so vivid. A dream that I would never forget and remain so vivid in me.

I saw the throne of God. 
God was sitting on the throne.
I was totally prostrated on the ground before His throne. I only see His white robe and i saw from His knee down to His feet. In my spirit I felt my husband was there and I gave all possession, specifically house and money, to him. 
I remained prostrated before Him who seated at the throne. The feeling i dont know how to express with words. So so wonderful!
If I could stay in that dream or vision I would choose not to wake up. 

Friday, June 2, 2017
1:42 PM

Devotion 2 June 17 1 Cor 1 and 2

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."
I Corinthians 1:18‭-‬19

If the message preached to you is foolishness to you then you have to get saved in order to experience the God who is so so so powerful! 

For "who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ. I Corinthians 2:16

For, "Who can know the Lord 's thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?" But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:16 NLT

To become so intertwining with Him that His thought is my thought, His heartbeat is my heartbeat, His purpose is my purpose, His will is my will, His agenda is my agenda, His passion is my passion, His love is my love, His grieve is my grieve, His calendar is my calendar, His pain is my pain, His joy is my joy, His people is my people, His being is my being, His nature is my nature, His mind is my mind, His compassion is my compassion, His tender mercy is my tender mercy, His gentleness is my gentleness, His goodness if my goodness....so on and on and on.
Is this possible Lord? Is this possible? If yes, You make it happen to me, I willingly lay down my all and surrender to You my beloved Lord! 

Instruct - 4822 

 4822. sumbibazó 
Strong's Concordance
sumbibazó: to join together, hence to consider, by ext. to teach
Original Word: συμβιβάζω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: sumbibazó
Phonetic Spelling: (soom-bib-ad'-zo)
Short Definition: I unite, prove, instruct
Definition: (a) I unite or knit together, (b) I put together in reasoning, and so: I conclude, prove, (c) I teach, instruct.
HELPS Word-studies

4822 symbibázō (from 4862 /sýn, "identified with" and 1688 /embibázō, "to board a ship") – properly, bring together (combine), "causing to stride together" (TDNT); (figuratively) to grasp a truth by intertwining ideas needed to "get on board," i.e. come to the necessary judgment (conclusion); "toprove" (J. Thayer).


to twist or be twisted together, or to be connected so as to bedifficult to separate:

The town's prosperity is inextricablyintertwined with the fortunes of thefactory.
The treesbranches intertwined to form adark roof over the path.

Monday, May 29, 2017
3:33 PM

God remains faithful


The message of the prophets is that although they have forsaken God, it has not altered God. The Apostle Paul emphasizes the same truth, that God remains God even when we are unfaithful (see 2 Timothy 2:13). Never interpret God as changing with our changes. He never does; there is no variableness in Him.  Notes on Ezekiel, 1477 L

Friday, May 26, 2017
5:38 PM

Thinking of Prayer as Jesus Taught

Pray without ceasing… —1 Thessalonians 5:17

Our Thinking about prayer, whether right or wrong, is based on our own mental conception of it. The correct concept is to think of prayer as the breath in our lungs and the blood from our hearts. Our blood flows and our breathing continues "without ceasing"; we are not even conscious of it, but it never stops. And we are not always conscious of Jesus keeping us in perfect oneness with God, but if we are obeying Him, He always is. Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life of the saint. Beware of anything that stops the offering up of prayer. "Pray without ceasing…"— maintain the childlike habit of offering up prayer in your heart to God all the time.

Jesus never mentioned unanswered prayer. He had the unlimited certainty of knowing that prayer is always answered. Do we have through the Spirit of God that inexpressible certainty that Jesus had about prayer, or do we think of the times when it seemed that God did not answer our prayer? Jesus said, "…everyone who asks receives…" (Matthew 7:8). Yet we say, "But…, but…." God answers prayer in the best way— not just sometimes, but every time. However, the evidence of the answer in the area we want it may not always immediately follow. Do we expect God to answer prayer?

The danger we have is that we want to water down what Jesus said to make it mean something that aligns with our common sense. But if it were only common sense, what He said would not even be worthwhile. The things Jesus taught about prayer are supernatural truths He reveals to us.


The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else. "Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord";… The Highest Good—The Pilgrim's Song Book, 537 L

Thursday, May 25, 2017
1:55 AM

13 May 17 dream

[24/05/17 9:42 pm] FM-Martin: The difference in top is it speaks about yr heart and fathering or nurturing nature and posture.
[24/05 9:44 pm] FM-Martin: Whereas for bottom not covered speaks about fruitfulness, intimacy and purity
[24/05 9:52 pm] FM-Martin: Well first He is speaking about the good things I first mentioned above
[24/05 9:53 pm] FM-Martin: And it could mean that you could be more fruitful...but you got to hear what God says
[24/05 11:49 pm] FM-Martin: It speaks about how Ps Lip and you were examining the maturity of the saints in Vancouver and how Father was pleased 😁
[24/05 11:51 pm] FM-Martin: Second part speaks about the relationship I will progressively have with Ps Lip as a supporter, friend and mentor and how like you I need to be transparent with him especially with my heart and before God I need to have a pure heart and before others fatherly and nurturing.
[24/05 11:54 pm] FM-Martin: The conversation portions are mainly for you
[24/05 11:55 pm] FM-Martin: Yes the yellow represents ripeness or maturity and also glory and inside sweet like honey - something God also spoke to me today

1st scene
I saw many branches of bright yellow ripe bananas hanging. I saw Ps Lip. We were going around looking inspecting the branches of bright yellow bananas.

2nd scene
I was in his house with his family. At dining table. I was learning transparency, humility and submission. Top uncovered. Bottom covered.

3rd scene: couldn't recall


